Joanne is a dynamic and inspirational speaker. She uses her incredible gift of humour to deliver powerful messages dealing with mental health issues and the chaos of life. As a gifted communicator, she leaves her audiences laughing and crying, but mostly changed.
Joanne earned her Masters’ degree in Theology from Tyndale University and Seminary and she is also a former co-host of a Montreal radio talk show. She has appeared several times on 100 Huntley Street. She speaks at events in many different Christian denominations.
Joanne and her husband Joe have 3 adult children and 12 amazing grandchildren.
Did we mention she’s a cancer survivor? All of Joanne’s experiences paired with her incredible story-telling skills add up to an experience you won’t soon forget!

“Joanne has a powerful story which she communicates with humor and passion. She applies solid biblical priniples to everyday situations and dispenses hope wherever she speaks.”
Rev. Dr. Van Johnson
Dean, Master’s Seminary
Toronto, ON
“I have shared the stage with Joanne and found her stories so funny but also deeply touching. You will enjoy her!”
Russ Taff
Recording Artist/Songwriter/
Grammy Award Winner
Nashville, TN